
This series is my first exploration into art since my University days. It is inspired by work I produced during my international baccalaureate. Work which has been in the back of my mind ever since I graduated.

The main idea behind my experimentation was centered around my love of sculpture and the fact that I fell like sculptures are not as present in homes as paintings are. I thougth about why that was and came to the conclusion that paintings were more common because they do not take much space and brightens the monotonous nature of walls. This gave me the idea to make wall mounted sculptures inspired by paintings.

Since then I have studied arts/design in London, which reinforced my point of view that sculptures are under appreciated and especially indoors. With the exeption of large pieces, that you can find in museums or the streets. Due to the size of most sculptures it is rare to find them in private residences, unless you have the space and money.

So when I thought about producing my first conscious Art pieces It felt natural to explore this topic; How to intergrate sculpture in everyday life and especially the homes of the everyman/woman. What you can see bellow is a series of experimental sculptures made from plywood. The aim of this series was to experiment with dimensions and get an understanding of how to work with plywood.

